Effective Management Of Medial Ankle Complex Sprain Using Physical Therapy

Effective Management Of Medial Ankle Complex Sprain Using Physical Therapy

Ankle sprain relief Wilmington, DE

Have you recently sprained your ankle and want help resolving it so you can get back to normal sooner than later? Are you struggling to figure out why you keep hurting your ankle even though you originally injured it a year or more ago? At Total Health & Rehabilitation in Wilmington, DE, our therapists specialize in treating ankle sprains so you can get back on your feet without worrying about injuring them again!

Ankle sprains are one of the most common injuries people worldwide face. Athletes are particularly vulnerable to ankle injuries, with the lateral ankle sprain making up over 70-75% of all ankle injuries. In comparison, medial ankle sprains make up only about 15% of all ankle sprains.

The medial ankle complex is the inner aspect of the ankle and is less frequently affected due to the strong deltoid ligament that supports this area of the ankle. The medial ankle complex comprises four ligaments forming the triangle-shaped band that connects the shin bone (tibia) to three bones in the foot (i.e., navicular, calcaneus, and talus).

Many people don’t realize that injuring the ankle affects the whole foot and leg function. One of the most common complications of an ankle sprain is ineffectively rehabilitating the injury fully, resulting in re-injury or a new injury due to restrictions and weaknesses from the original injury.

At Total Health & Rehabilitation in Wilmington, DE, our physical therapists understand how to manage all types of ankle sprains effectively and will help you resolve your struggles once and for all!

Request an appointment today and learn more about our proven success with medial ankle sprains!

How to eliminate your pain and prevent future ankle sprains

Our body consists of an intricate and interconnected web of connective tissue, muscles, joints, and nerves. The ankle joint directly affects how we walk, run and jump. When the ankle is not functioning correctly, our ability to do everyday activities around the home and more advanced sports or recreational pursuits are significantly limited.

If one part of the ankle complex is injured, restricted, or breaks down for any reason, it will undoubtedly affect the rest of the ankle, foot, and entire lower extremity. The medial complex is harder to injure based on the proximity of the shin bone (tibia) and the foot bones. Rolling the ankle to the inside is, therefore, more difficult.

The medial ankle complex can be injured when the foot is lifted (dorsiflexed) and tilted inward (everted). As with all ankle sprains, sustaining a medial ankle sprain leaves the individual more susceptible to another injury and chronic ankle instability. In addition, the thick, broad deltoid ligament also provides resistance to injury.

Research has shown that up to 70% of people will develop chronic ankle instability (CAI) in the first few months after the injury, and up to 40% will develop persistent symptoms beyond one year after the initial injury.

The most common deficits that persist include the following:

  • Proprioception deficits (i.e., the ability of the body to sense where it is in space)
  • Muscular weaknesses and/or imbalances
  • Impaired neuromuscular control
  • Range of motion deficits
  • Balance and coordination impairments

Too often, people don’t address their ankle sprain adequately (or at all) and are left to deal with chronic ankle instability and persistent pain. Fortunately, at Total Health & Rehabilitation in Wilmington, DE, our physical therapists are dedicated to staying up to date on the most advanced techniques for the best possible care and achieving the best possible outcomes for our patients!

How Total Health & Rehabilitation physical therapy treatments can help you recover from your medial ankle sprain.

Too often, people assume that they will just get over an ankle sprain and put off seeing a physical therapist early on. Addressing a problem in the early stages is the most effective way to resolve and prevent future problems.

When it comes to an ankle sprain, whether the injury is a lateral ankle or the medial ankle complex, if a joint is not working correctly due to limited mobility or a weakness, it will affect how the whole complex and even the entire lower extremity functions.

Your Wilmington, DE physical therapists will weed through your symptoms and identify all the factors that need to be addressed for you to recover fully and prevent future problems from arising. At your initial evaluation, our physical therapists will perform a thorough assessment that includes a detailed history and a hands-on evaluation of the injured area.

We will use this information to develop a treatment plan to address your current situation and ensure all the aspects of your ankle joints are working correctly. Our primary goals are to address any restrictions and weaknesses affecting your function.

Our team will focus on restoring any lost motion, reducing the swelling, and using all available treatments to alleviate any pain you may experience. Next, we will design a program to restore your proprioception, balance, and strength so you can take on everyday activities.

Our comprehensive program will also look for any changes in your gait pattern that may make it difficult for you to move around freely. Dysfunctional movement patterns can last for years and lead to re-injury and potentially other injuries.

Request an appointment today!

Medial ankle complex injuries can be debilitating without proper care. For optimal results, it is best to consult with one of our Wilmington, DE physical therapists to gain access to the most advanced treatment methods and avoid re-injury of the affected area.

Call Total Health & Rehabilitation today to schedule a consultation with one of our specialists!


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